Lead Status Trigger

Lead Status Trigger

Triggers and Actions can be helpful by completing tasks an Agent typically forgets to do on their own, such as hang-up, send a relay, etc. Triggers can be added to existing Lead Statuses or added while the Status is being created.


  1. Under Settings select Lead Status

  1. Locate the Lead Status the Trigger will be added to and double click to open and select the Triggers tab

  1. Depending on the intent there are several options for Triggers and Actions that can be added to the Lead Status by setting to Yes

  1. Convert Lead on Update - Custom Lead Status can be used instead of the existing “Sale” status the lead will be marked Converted upon selection

  2. Front Lead on Update - adds the Date_Fronted and Fronted_Agent to a lead to indicate who spoke with the customer first to prepare the sale

  3. Show Callback Popup Before Dispo - Will prompted the agent to schedule a callback before closing the lead

  4. Require at Least 1 Policy Present for Conversion - will not allow an agent to Convert the sale if there is not at least 1 policy on the Policy tab

  5. Appoint Lead on Update - currently not in use

  6. Queue Pause on Dispo - will put the agent in a pause status when Lead Status selected

  7. Prevent Conversion on Failed Policy Verification - will not allow an agent to make a lead converted if the quoted policy failed verification

  8. Use Agent as Appointer if Available - currently not in use

  9. Hang-up on Dispo - the call will be disconnected upon selecting the Lead Status

  10. Always set CSLR and Last Local Call Time - will add the name and call time of the last Customer Service Rep to work on lead

  1. The Lead Status screen will indicate if any of these Triggers or Actions are enabled

  1. The Triggers and Action section also allows several secondary options

    1. Adding or Removing Tags

  1. Sending the customer a SMS update with a pre drafted message

  1. Assign a specific Agent to the lead 

  1. Email is not currently used by TLD at this time. 


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