AOR - Agent of Record

AOR - Agent of Record

Officially defined, an AOR (Agent of Record) is an individual or a legal entity with a duly executed contractual agreement with an insurance policy owner, in line with the prevailing legal norms and regulations of the region in which the contract was entered.

  • Within TLD: While one agent or multiple can be the agent, creator, verifier and submitter of a policy, you can also designate an AOR on the policy.

  • This is a data point that can be filtered for as well in some, but not all sections.

  • The Agent of Record is found under “User Information” on a policy, and can only be edited by Managers and above, or someone with the “Change Policy Agent of Record” ability.


The AOR Module is hidden by default, since not everyone uses AORs.

While this can be configured initially by a Super Admin, Support is available by submitting a ticket.

Enabling the Module

Go to Settings → Options → Policy and set “Use Agent of Record” to Yes.

This will set the Agent of Record dropdown to be visible on policies, as well as the ability to filter for Agent of Record in various sections (Explore Policies, My Customers, etc.)


Setting Agents as an Agent of Record

By default, no Agents are enabled as an Agent of Record, you will need to set some agents as AORs.

This is Mass Editable!

  1. Search for the desired Agent(s) and either double click or select the orange edit icon to make the changes.

  2. Edit the desired User(s), and go to the Settings tab, and set “Is User an Agent of Record” to Yes.


Single Edit View
  1. To Mass Edit select the check box next to the desired Agents and select the Mass Edit Icon.

  2. From the Settings tab set Agent of Record to Yes and Save.


Mass Edit View
  1. Once a user is set as an Agent of Record, their name will be able to be chosen from the AOR dropdown on a policy.


  1. The client can also set an agent to be an AOR for specific states, which requires that a State be on the CRM lead to proceed with writing the policy.

Now they’re in the Drop Down… Now what?


Now the AOR dropdown will show up with the desired users once the policy is converted.

Other Things You Can Do with the AOR Field

  • Filtering for AOR in Explore policies

  • Filtering for AOR in Customers → Manage All (This will be going away eventually though)

  • Filter in Users → Manage All to see which of your agents are an AOR

  • Unfortunately, Agent of Record is not something you can filter for in the Agent CPA, Explore → Analytics sections, or in Explore Calls.