AVR - Advanced Vendor Report

When sending the Posting instructions block to a client, you often send them the following chunk of text more or less.


Vendor 21709 TRAINING2 "Training 2" AKA [Public Label for Training 2] 16166994810

Posting Instructions: https://sandbox.tldcrm.com/public/post/21709/8a96fd39227d09219e1d36bd70aa5ceb3

Report URL: https://sandbox.tldcrm.com/public/vendors?vendor_id=21709&post_key=8a96fd39227d09219e1d36bd70aa5ceb3


The “Report URL” at the bottom of the block of text is formally called the Advanced Vendor Report.


It always exists at the creation of a vendor, so it does not need to be “Created”. It’s simply always there.


What Does This Do?

The Advanced Vendor Report is a public report that can be provided to the vendor in order for them to look at their own data.

This is the preferred method for vendors to look at their own data in TLD. We do not condone creating a TLD user for vendors as its a compliance risk for the client.

What Do These Settings Mean?

  • From Leads select Vendor Sources. Select the Vendor Source in question and double click or select the orange vendor ID to open the Vendor Source.

  • Under Data → Logs , there are multiple different ways you can modify the AVR.

    • Below will be a breakdown of what each and every one of them does.


Log Type

  • Full Search Through Vendor Leads: This will allow the vendor to fully search through their own leads. This is preferred for inbound vendors that do not post data to the vendor first for reasons that will be outlined in another Log Type.

    • Below is an example of what Full Search Through Vendor Leads looks like and what information it provides. We cannot modify this in any capacity.

Example of the “Full Search Through Vendor Leads” Log Type

  • Basic Vendor Log (Last 100): Basic vendor Log will only show the last 100 POSTED leads. Because inbound calls are not data posts this will be a problem for an inbound vendors that does not post data first.

    • This log type is preferred for vendors that post leads in, as it provides helpful data that will help with troubleshooting if they are having issues with posting leads in

    • Below is an example of what Basic Vendor Logs looks like. We cannot modify this in any capacity.

  • Chart and Vendor Log Search: Exactly the same as the “Basic vendor Log (Last 100), except it gives them an additional dropdown to look at their data through a pie chart.

Everything Else

The below works regardless of the Log Type Selected

Allow Export - Toggled to “Yes” , it will allow the vendor to export the data that is in the AVR. This can only be enabled by the client, not TLD Support.

Password - Sets a password on the AVR that will have to be relayed to the vendor by the client themselves.

Hide Account Brand - Will hide the accounts name at the top of the page.

Results Log - This is the same link that is provided in the Bulk Posting Instructions block. This does not change when you update any of the settings on the AVR .


The below settings only work if the Log Type on the report is set to “Full Search Through Vendor Leads”

Show Carriers Sold - will show the Carriers that were sold on the lead.

Show Products Sold - will show the Products that were sold on the lead.

Show City - will show the City on the Lead.

Show Email - will show the Email on the lead.

Show Import Source - will show the import source on the Lead.

Conversions Only - will only show leads that are converted.

Sales Mode - Only shows leads that have a converted policy.

Hide 0 Cost Leads - will hide leads with a cost of 0.

Conversion Rate by Billables - This MIGHT change the way that the AVR works to use the lead cost instead of date converted to determine billables. Nobody ever really uses this.

TLDialer Recordings - Will give them an additional clickable item for them to view the recordings on a lead.

Play Recordings - Will allow the vendor to only play the recordings. these do not expire like the public recording links.

Play and Download - Will allow the vendor to both play and download those recordings. These links do not expire like the public recordings link.