Agent Availability Ping and Post URL
Every time a new Vendor Source is created the client is sent the posting instructions that provide information such as the Vendor Posting Instructions and the Agent Availability Ping. (The Availability Ping will only show for the Client and Not the Vendor receiving the public URL.)
On occasion a Client will need access to this information again but might be unsure where to find it.
Resending the Posting Instructions
From Leads select Vendor sources. Locate the Vendor Source and check the box to the left. Click the Copy Icon to the left of add Vendor Sources and resend the posting instructions.
This will copy the instructions that can be provided to the Client.
Vendor 14962 GENERAL "General Bucket"
Posting Instructions:
Report URL:
Print the Posting Instructions
From Leads select Vendor Sources. Locate the Vendor Source and click the Printer icon to the right of the Vendor ID
This will take you to the same page from the Posting Instructions for that specific Vendor Source.
This page will include several important things the Vendor Source and Clients will find useful.
Inbound Manual Example - Provides a list of field names that TLD will accept. All others will be rejected. Also indicates what fields are required for a lead to post.
Post URL - This is the link Vendor Sources will use to post leads into TLD.
Lead Report URL - This is a link that can be provided to the Vendor Source to confirm the status of leads sent to the Client
Agent Availability URL - The ping used by Vendor Sources to determine if a User is available to take the lead.
Lead Fields - What information can be included in a lead and the format needed for TLD.