Users Not Receiving Calls/Long Wait Times

Users Not Receiving Calls/Long Wait Times





TLD does control the rate of Inbound calls sent from the Vendor. There are several possible reasons why an Agent or Group of Agents may not be receiving calls.

Let’s Identify the Problem!

Ask for examples.

  • Where are you seeing long wait times?

  • What Campaigns are the Users logged into?

  • Is it an Inbound or Outbound Campaign?

  • What Ingroup/Vendor Source was this lead for?

  • What is the Lead ID or phone number for the call that was never connected?

  • Which User(s) are effected by this issue?

  • How long has this been going on?

Inbound Campaigns

User, Ingroup, Campaign Configurations

  1. Review the Vendor Source.




  1. For Ingroup – review the User.


From Users select Manage All. Locate the User(s) in question and see if they are assigned to the Ingroup.


If the Ingroup is missing add the missing Ingroup to the User(s) and Refresh Live Agents.

Leads can only be routed to available User(s) with the correct Ingroups. If a User is available but the call does not route it is likely the User does not meet this requirement.

  1. For State Routed - review the User.


From Users select Manage All. Locate the User(s) in question and see if they have the correct Licenses and State Routed Ingroups.




If the Licenses or State Routed Ingroups are missing, add them to the User(s) and refresh Live Agent Ingroups.


State Routed Ingroups can be added manually, without the Licenses being added. However this can make it difficult to track vs the Licenses modol.


Leads can only be routed to available User(s) with the correct State Routed Ingroups. If a User is available but the call does not route it is likely the User does not meet this requirement.

Time to check TLDialer

  1. Review the Ingroup in TLDialer


From TLDialer select Ingroups. Review the Ingroup to Determine if it’s is allowed in the specified Campaign.


The Allowed Users and Campaigns will show if the Ingroup is part of the Campaign and Confirm all Users currently assigned to that Ingroup


  1. If the Ingroup is missing from the Campaign confirm with the Client and add as necessary.


From TLDialer select Campaigns. Click the orange edit icon to review Ingroups Allowed.


From the General tab locate the missing Ingroup under Inbound Groups Allowed to add and save changes.


Everything Looks Good, Now What?!?!

You’ve reviewed User, Ingroup, and Campaign settings and can’t identify a concern. If there are examples there are several spots to check to determine why the calls were not answered or blocked.


Queue Logs - Shows calls that are blocked Via BATMAN. Only relevant if the DID has BATMAN enabled.



Block Logs - Shows calls that are blocked via the BLOCK URL on the DID.


Call Logs (TLDialer -> Call Logs , NOT Explore -> Calls) - Shows calls that were actually answered and what happened (Might be NANQUE , AFTERHOURS, or something if they're dropped)

You can also check if the numbers they are trying to send are on the FPG - Blocklist. This is separate from the Block Logs check because of the DID System Filter that resides on every account, and calls that are blocked via that are NOT logged.

Outbound Campaigns

There are many factors that go into troubleshooting Outbound Campaigns. Some things to consider while doing your research is:

  • Are the reset rules to kicking in?

  • What is the current time of day/time zone? TCPA regulations limit dialing between 9a-9p based on the leads location.

  • Artificial Wait Times caused by the AMD (Answering Machine Detection).

  • Are they any dialable leads?

Hoppers, Leads, and Lists


1. Check for dialable leads.

To determine if there are any dialable leads go to Leads and Select Vendor Sources.

Locate the Vendor Source in question and review to determine if the list is active and if there are leads in the hopper

Verify the List is active and that there are Dialable leads in the Hopper.




If 0, proceed with troubleshooting.
If greater than a few hundred, then it’s possibly related to AMD.


  1. Determine what the hopper is querying. This filter will be helpful in narrowing down the results and can be saved for future use.

From TLDialer and select Leads.



Under List Campaign select the Outbound Campaign the client is concerned about.

Ensure the List Active set to Yes.


Called Since Reset should be sent to no. This will show how many calls have been sent since the lead was reset. This filter will show any leads that have not yet been called.

  1. Based on the results of this filter the results could indicate:

    1. All Leads are above the max called count. You might need to increase the Max Call Count in order for any Leads to dial.

    2. All Leads are NOT in dialable statuses. Possibly consider getting more leads, activate more lists, or review the current list of Dial statuses.

    3. Wait for your reset rules to work or review your current reset rules to see if they're what you actually want.

Everything Looks Good, Now What?!?!


The Flow Chart



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