Email Mailer Personal Domain Configuration

TLD has always had an email function but its connection to the AWS account made sending messages risky with the bounce rate being at a very low threshold. The email functionality has finally been updated allowing Clients to send Welcome emails, policy emails, and other templated emails easily and efficiently. This feature will be activated on all accounts by default, however knowing where to find the settings and make updates is important.

Status Tab


  • By default, Email will be activated on ALL TLD accounts during account creation.

    • In the rare case that this was not completed Email can be activated by going to Settings and selecting Mailer.


Mailer not configured
  • Any account that needs the Mailer activated will show Make User. Select the Green button to activate Email on the account.



The Status tab is to test the default configurations on the account as configured under Settings → Options and selecting the Email Tab.

  • This section is ONLY for Testing and no modifications to the From or Reply sections will update the account configurations.


  • Emails will always have a from of, however this can be updated by the client at any time, along with the to email and the reply email.

  • Emails will always have a from of The Client can opt to add their own Custom Domain to update the From section of the email. This is done in the Domain tab.


  • Currently “From” on the Status tab will default to the Global Once the Domain is properly added and configured all Test emails will represent the new From Domain.


Domains Tab


  • The Domains tab allows client to add their own personal Domain to the Mailer for email purposes.

    • A Domain must be authenticated to begin sending emails.

    • To begin the authentication process the client needs to enter their Domain and select Authenticate.

    • The system will then provide a detailed set of data that MUST be entered into the Domain for validation.

    • If the validation fails initially ask the client to wait 1 hr and try again.

      • Emails can not be sent from a custom Domain if Validation fails.


  • By default the system comes with 3 TLD owned domains.

  • All emails sent by the client through TLD will come from the Domain

    • This is indicated by the blue check () and will remain the account default.

  • When a client enters a custom Domain a green check () will appear next to the Clients Domain indicating that the Clients Domain will appear in the From Section.

    • The Clients Custom Domain will reflect on the emails sent from the Status tab AFTER the domain is properly configured.

To prevent accidental deletion, any attempt to remove something from the Mailer must first check the box on the right followed by the red X ().

IP, Reputation, Sync

The following 3 tabs provide the client with additional insight and utility in the Mailer




  • IP - At this time only the system IP will be present and can not be removed from the Clients Account.

    • Should the Mailer expand or a client has a need for specific IPs they would be added here.


  • Reputation - This allows the client to see the reception of the emails they are receiving.



  • Sync All Configurations - Will sync all current email configurations, including attached Domains, Users, and IPs.

  • Sync Users

  • Sync Attached Domains - Will sync all active Domains on the clients account refreshing connections

  • Sync Authenticated Domains - Will sync Client custom Domains

  • Sync Attached IPs - Will sync all IP connections for Email configuration

  • Attach Default TLD Domains - Used when/if a client deletes TLDs default domains (Domain:

    Domain:, and Domain:

Email Triggers

Remember that specific sections of TLD have Email triggers that will now be activated with the new Mailer feature. See the following for additional information.