Unlike TLD User Groups, a User can only have one TLDialer User Group. These groups are used to classify users in TLDialer. These can include the following, however other roles can be added at the Client’s discretion
The TLDialer User Group is also used to determine which campaigns a User can access. To Determine which Campaigns each User Group can access go to TLDialer and select User Groups. The page that loads will show you what Campaigns each User Group has access to.
Before creating any new TLDialer User Groups, always make sure to fully understand what the client is seeking.
To add TLDialer User Group go to TLDialer and select User Groups
Select the Green + Icon at the top of the screen
The New User Group needs the following information filled out
Group - What type of User Group this will be (Uppercase and underscore for spacing)
Name - How the User Group will appear to others
Allowed Campaigns - What campaigns this User Group will have access to
Viewable Groups - What other User Groups this new User Group can see.
Now that you’ve created the New User Group you will need to add Viewability to the other groups. To do this, Click the Orange Edit Icon next to each group
Important - When adding Viewable Groups, ensure the group being created is also added to the Viewable Group. This may need to be edited post-creation as the new TLDialer User Group itself doesn’t exist yet!
Admins should be granted access to view all User Groups (except Omni). Editing any other Groups depends on viewability needed. The new TLDialer user group should also be added to any other groups that need to see it’s users.
For the Sample Group we allowed them to see Agents and CS so we want to make sure Agents and CS can also see the new TLDialer User Group.