Depending on the intent there are several options for Triggers and Actions that can be added to the Lead Status by setting to Yes
Convert Lead on Update - If the Client opts to use a custom Custom Lead Status can be used instead of the existing “Sale” status the lead will be marked Converted upon selection
Front Lead on Update - adds the Date_Fronted and Fronted_Agent to a lead to indicate who spoke with the customer first to prepare the sale
Show Callback Popup Before Dispo - Will prompted the agent to schedule a callback before closing the lead
Require at Least 1 Policy Present for Conversion - will not allow an agent to Convert the sale if there is not at least 1 policy on the Policy tab
Appoint Lead on Update - currently not in use
Queue Pause on Dispo - will put the agent in a pause status when Lead Status selected
Prevent Conversion on Failed Policy Verification - will not allow an agent to make a lead converted if the quoted policy failed verification
Use Agent as Appointer if Available - currently not in use
Hang-up on Dispo - the call will be disconnected upon selecting the Lead Status
Always set CSLR and Last Local Call Time - will add the name and call time of the last Customer Service Rep to work on lead