This is for information only as all Advanced Inbound Pricing is configured and set-up by Tier 2.
Key Features & Benefits
Enhanced Dialer Functionality and Comprehensive Call Logging: The dialer identifies and provides evidence of duplicate leads and if they met the timeframe to be billable, empowering the client to dispute unjustified charges from vendors. The Advanced Call Logs will keep track of the entire call process, including entry and exit points, blocked calls, and connect times, providing a clear picture of agent activity for the call, recalculating call duration based on actual connection time, eliminating misleading ring times.
Prevents Duplicate Billing: Advanced Inbound Pricing ensures a lead is billed only once, even if contacted multiple times (unless it’s a dupe or has met the time for the lead to be reset to new).
Accurate Agent Attribution: It correctly assigns credit for the first contact to the first agent who interacts with the lead, regardless of subsequent calls. The User must disposition the call accordingly and meet the qualification times. The client can configure the system to attribute sales credit to specific agents or groups, ensuring accurate commission distribution.
Streamlined Billable Generation: Advanced Inbound Pricing automatically generates billable leads and assigns them to the corresponding agent without manual intervention post process.
Improved Agent Efficiency: By automating billing and avoiding browser issues, AIP allows agents to focus on lead conversion.
Configurable Duplicate Policy: The rule is a lead can only be billable once, however clients can configure a timeframe within which duplicate leads are considered non-billable (ie. 90 days from first contact), catering to specific vendor contracts.
Detailed Pricing History: Clients can track changes to pricing structures and their impact on individual calls as long as Pricing was configured on the Vendor Source to begin with.
Flexible Cost Updates: Advanced Inbound Pricing supports ingress or manual updates to pricing in real time. Vendors can update cost if given an ingress URL to post the cost of a call.
Outbound Lead Billing Control: Future enhancements will track Outbound calling to ensure the client only pays only once for outbound leads, preventing duplicate charges, tracking when the lead was purchased and when the lead was eventually called. (Note: Implementation details are pending)
Comprehensive Agent Attribution: The system accurately tracks agent performance based on sales, not just leads, providing a complete picture of their performance.
Manual Override Option: Clients have the flexibility to manually override pricing for specific circumstances.
Advanced Inbound Pricing (AIP) Module
This section can be located under Leads - Vendor Sources and only applies to Inbound vendor sources. The pricing module can be accessed in 2 ways.
Double click to open the Vendor Source and select the Inbound tab at the top. Advance Inbound Pricing is located on the far right.
Select the Green Plus
to the right of the List ID. If there is no Green Plus
then the Advanced Inbound Pricing hasn’t been enabled.
Info |
If these sections are missing and there is no Analytics section in TLD the Pricing Module is not enabled on the clients account. |
Client Participation is Paramount.
We are not privy to the terms of the contracts that each Client has with the Vendor Sources, specifically when it comes to the Dupe Settings.
Date Active - This will always default to todays date. Activating AIP is not retroactive and only applies from the date and time it was activated on the Clients account.
DID ID - This will populate when the pricing module is opened. No need to make any edits here.
Update CRM Vendor - Will update the Vendor Source if a change is made to the AIP. This means if there is a pricing change the Vendors Inbound tab will also be updated.
Billable Settings
Billable - When set to on the calls will be tracked as billable if they meet the configured settings
Cost - The cost per Lead
Sec - Qualification time in seconds
Ignore Queue - Set to Off by default. Vendors typically do not ignore queue times when sending calls to Clients.
Default Billable Group - Put in specifically for MAH and does not require modification.
Always Bill Default Billable Group - Put in specifically for MAH and does not require modification.
CPA Settings - TBD
Dupe Settings - These are specific to the Client/Vendor contracts and should only be configured by the Client. This must ALWAYS be configured by the client
Dupes - Refers to dupe phone calls. Determines if a call can be billable if it is sent for a second time.
Days - How long for a dupe to be considered Billable again
Sec - Max dupe time in sec. Typically left blank.
Max - Max dupe count. Typically left blank.
Day of the Week - Was added for 1 specific Client and never needs to be configured
Vendors - If a client has multiple Vendor Source for a single Vendor the Vendors can be linked under Dupe settings to help determine if a call is billable. All Vendor Sources would need to be configured the same to ensure this works properly
Agent Attributes - Determines which agents actually count towards Billable calls. Only select groups to Ignore so that billables are attributed correctly.
Typically configured under TLDialer Meta prior to AIP set-up.
Pricing History - Shows all pricing changes/updates made on AIP for this Vendor.
Must have a history to confirm client has completed Dupe settings BEFORE AIP will be activated.
Info |
Hint: Clicking each label will provide a brief explanation of each option. |
TLDialer Advanced Pricing Reports.
From TLDialer select Pricing to see all pricing configurations at once.
This section is helpful to verify current pricing configurations and edits can be made direction from this menu
TLDialer select Cost Logs to track leads that are acquired though a bidding system.
With the new Advanced Pricing feature TLD can now support Lead Bidding which is utilized by Ringba. (a lead does not have a fixed price and typically goes to the Client willing to pay the most for the lead)
This option required a specific configuration on the Advanced Inbound Pricing. Using an Ingress, Ringba is able to post the actual cost of the lead into TLD immediately after the call is sent to the winning Client.
Once complete the Advanced Call Logs can be activated on the account. This should be completed by Tier 2 at this time.
Advanced Call Logs
While waiting for the Client to complete AIP the Advanced Call Logs will be set to Temporarily Disabled (verified under Options - Settings and clicking on the TLDialer tab). This means the Advanced Call Logs will be visible under the Analytics menu, but the only data present will be Blocked calls. Once set to Enabled the Call Logs will begin to populate with data.
While this is similar to TLDialer - Call Logs there are 2 specific differences
Advanced Call Logs currently only tracks Inbound
The Analyze Flow feature allows to see exactly what happened during the call vs the individual lines currently on the TLDialer - Call Logs
When reviewing the call flow the Pricing configurations will be visible. This shows when the pricing was configured, if there were any dupes, the QT, and other settings that were configured with AIP.
Additional tabs on the Call Flow Analysis will show any Dupes, Recordings, Other calls will show additional calls for that specific number, and other tabs used for advanced troubleshooting
If a call is billable it will be marked in Green at the top under Flow ID.
Non-billable calls will appear in Red and Pricing can be reviewed to determine QT at a glance
The ACL has 2 new filters that are available when running reports: Billable and Sale. The difficulty can be determining if the call was actually a sales call.
On the old call logs the status Sale was 100% dependent on what disposition the User chooses at the end of a call.
This means a sale could have been made, or maybe not.
Additionally, a sale could have been made but the User chose a different disposition.
On the ACL Sale is actually checked using different metrics
A sale is tracked using the Date Sold or Date Converted to determine if it was a sales call. (Pending update on what metric is actually used)