Egress endpoints are used to pull data via Querying TLDCRM or TLDialer for information using TQL ( Total Query Language ). TQL Parameters and uses can be seen mimicked in Explore Sections in TLDCRM Itself, where you can prepare a query and columns manually for day to day use outside of the API.
Egress Endpoint Documentation
To find more Detailed information about Egress API Endpoints such as their structure and columns available you can query any endpoint and append /docs
to the end. This works with TLDialer Egress endpoints as well! Lets look at an example with the Tags Endpoint.
You can also get all endpoints available via API. For Example if we want to get all TLDCRM endpoints available we would query /api/egress/endpoints
This would give us the following list below in JSON format.
The Following are a List of Egress Endpoints Available